Wednesday, August 05, 2009


One of the main qualities of a good athlete in any sport is persistence. There are always challenges to be overcome and new things to learn. Top athletes push through many adversities to eventual success but the ordinary fencer will need to overcome many obstacles and demonstrate persistency. Not many of us can achieve the greatest heights in our sport or profession, but we can continually strive to better ourselves; it is a long journey we are on if we intend to stick to our past-time for longer than a year or two. Whilst competitive success may elude us we can always attempt to better ourselves. As Musashi puts it "determine that today you will overcome your self of the day before".
In other ways, persistency can be applied within a match. If your first attack fails and your opponent retreats then chase them. If they start to collapse backward, wildly flailing their blade, then pursue them off the piste! There can be no place for hesitation or compassion on the fencing strip; if your opponent cannot match you then you have a duty to beat them.
You must persist in denying your opponent the chance for victory in three levels:
Deny them the ability to use their weapon. Use strong movements such as binds, engagements and powerful beats to prevent them gaining control with their blade.
Deny them the time to think. Change rhythms and timings, vary your attacks and move relentlessly forward. Musashi discusses this in the Fire scroll as 'flustering', 'upset' and 'knowing collapse'.
Deny them their spirit. Whilst this is not a technique that can be learned you should fence as if you believe you are unbeatable. Musashi discusses this in the Fire Scroll as 'crushing', 'stifling' and 'piercing the heart'. Your opponent should have the feeling that whatever they do will not work.
On a final note related to this post, congratulations to Anna Bentley, who won the Women's Foil National Championships for the 3rd time a couple of weeks ago. There's a great example of persistency reaping deserved rewards!


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