Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So, where's your halo Dave?

It would be quite fair for a reader of the previous post to riposte with "So what gives you the right to criticise Mr Nadi Dave?" Well, nothing at all really and I certainly don't expect anyone to pay much attention to what I say on this blog. For me, fencing is a very enjoyable hobby plus a way of improving myself. Coaching is my way of trying to transmit some of that enjoyment to others and blogging is another extension of that. I like thinking about fencing, it's problems, challenges and fundamentals but I have no pretensions to glory, academic acknowledgement or posterity, I just like what I do. I make a point never to get paid for coaching at the clubs I attend; I tried it once and didn't like it. If you take a fee you also inherit certain responsibilities; by volunteering my experience I am free from some of those burdens. Also, I have my own style which may not be appreciated by everyone and I wouldn't want people to feel financially defrauded! I would probably accept a fee for one-off beginner group sessions as within these there is no real room to elaborate beyond the basic syllabus but I prefer to do the more advanced things for free. I am certainly never going to make a living from my coaching! I have never attained any significant successes at competition but I am proud of those I have achieved. I also long gave up the opinion that winning is more important than taking part. However, I am well aware that whilst winning is not everything, it sure takes the sting out of losing! I guess some of the opinions expressed on this blog may cause some affront to others, but I mean no offense and my opinions are like share prices; the value is variable and depends on the worth assigned by the audience. My view of fencing as a way of self improvement is unconventional, as is my belief that there are comparisons to be made between it and the martial arts of the East. I am sure there are exponents of both sides of this divide that would find that particular belief nonsensical! I am equally sure that there are fencers who wonder what all the fuss is about and why I get my breeches in such a twist over things that seem trivial. My only excuse dear reader is that they matter to me and I feel they are worth thinking about. Some may say "get a life Dave" but I've got one thanks and fencing is quite a significant part of it. I do not seek approval for any opinions shared here, just consideration that there are more things to the sport than stabbing someone!


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