Thursday, March 26, 2009

Good Fencing

Here are a few words from Nick Evangelista in his book, "The Inner Game of Fencing". I don't agree with everything he says but this is very accurate in my opinion.
Good fencing:
  1. is thoughtful and logical
  2. is economical in its movement
  3. establishes a clear physical advantage
  4. is always repeatable
  5. is pliable, if necessary
  6. is balanced
  7. avoids all that is reactive, unproductive, emotional and risky
  8. injures no one
  9. focusses on process over result
  10. aspires to the highest common denominator, rather than the lowest

on the other hand...

Bad fencing:

  1. lacks self discipline
  2. is reactive, obvious and physically overbalanced
  3. is emotional
  4. pays no attention to opponent's responses
  5. is unrepeatable
  6. is brutal and harmful
  7. looks only for results
  8. is purely physical, without thought
  9. is filled with pointless movement
  10. works to the lowest common denominator, rather than the highest

Interesting stuff don't you think?


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