All quiet on the western front....
The Saturday club has finished and I didn't go to the last Norfolk Fencing Club evening due to it being my Dear Lady Wife's birthday. I did get a very detailed report from Abby though so at least I know what's been going on! My fencing activity will be dormant for a week or so now until I return to NFC on the 7th January. I shall miss it but sometimes it's good to take a break in order to develop exciting new lesson plans and strategies.... and a few inches on the waistline I fear; damn that Xmas stuffing!
To return to the opening line of this post, it is a time of reflection and I would like to suggest to all my students that you take pride in your efforts and achievements this year. Sometimes it is difficult and frustrating a sport but fencing does provide some rich rewards in the end; friends, skills and an occasional thrill of victory or a point well made.
So over Xmas try to do the following;
Enjoy your break
Clean your kit
Make sure your foil doesn't stain your jacket in your bag
and don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Catch you later Bill and Ted!