Monday, January 17, 2011

Goal setting

By request here are some thoughts on goal setting. Anyone who has been trained as a coach either in sport or business will know about the popular SMART acronym for goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time boxed. It might be a cliche but it's a cliche because it's a good method! Any goal a coach sets you or you set yourself should meet these criteria.
Specific: "I want to be a great fencer" is not specific. "I want to finish in the top 16 of the local competition" is. For advanced goals S can also equal Stretching in that it should challenge you to improve.
Measurable: "I want to improve my lunge" is not measurable unless your coach gives you a yardstick to go on. "I want to score 10 parry ripostes tonight" is measurable
Achievable: "I want to win every match I fight in" is probably not going to be achievable unless you are an elite athlete. "I want to win 50% or 75% of my fights at this competition" may be a better intermediate goal
Realistic (or Relevant/Results focussed): Make your goals relevant to you. If you don't feel they will lead to results or improvement then you will tend to let them slip 
Time boxed: Give yourself a reasonable timescale to attain these goals, otherwise you are going to struggle. But bear in mind they should still be stretching....!
Some coaches will be happy to set you goals; others will want you to think them out for yourself. If a coach sets you a goal you should expect an explanation and be given the chance to ask questions about it if you need to. For me, the student has got to believe in them, otherwise they are useless. I also believe that goals should promote positive thoughts and behaviours; if a goal is making for an unpleasant fencer then it might be time to reconsider the goal. I may be old fashioned, but if a goal is not going to make you a better person then give it a miss. Winnig is not everything; but goals that promote improved performance or being a better human being are great.  
Also, don't mistake an instruction for a goal. "Do fifty lunges" is normally an instruction from a coach for short term gain and action and probably isn't open for discussion!
Hope this has been useful, I will set myself a goal of replying to requests within a few days.... hopefully I'll achieve it!   


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