Tuesday, November 09, 2010

It's all about Commitment

One thing I have discovered recently is that I have commitment issues.... don't worry Dear Reader, I am not talking personality wise, I'm talking fencing wise. I have had it brought to my attention by a respected observer that I tend to do compound movements and sell myself completely on the first movement then not carry out the second. Any fencer worth their salt will realise that this is a bit arsey-versey and as such I am going to have to work on fixing it. The delight of the compound is that it must be enough to convince the opponent of the sincerity of the attack but leave enough room/time to deceive the response and then enough energy and manouver room to complete the second movement which is the actual attack. Selling out completely on the first action is a big no-no. Many situations and tactics in life depend on this and it's great to get feedback so I can do something about it!           


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